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Welcome to CognitiveProgrammer.Tech

“Cognitive Intelligence is the key to Progress”


About Me

I'm Daksh Gupta and I believe in the power of cognitive intelligence in solving complex problems where we move from Learn and Implement cycle to Learn, Apply Cognitive Intelligence and then implement.


I provide software consultancy to solve unique and complex problems by enabling the teams and organizations to understand the problem and evaluate the solutions using highest possible cognitive skills using various proprietary Cognitive and Coding Games.


My training programs includes unique gaming techniques which help people to understand and use the learned technology in the best possible way.

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Building Software, Product Development Consultancy & Training

Image by Arif Riyanto

Building Software

You know WHAT will be the next big thing for you, but worried about HOW to bring it into the life? We're here to help you. 

Be it be the complete product or a faster library or using a suitable database or creating a context specific algorithm or data structures.

Soccer Team

High Performance & Cognitive Product Development Environment

Software Product Development is a complex undertaking and a high performance team glued with cognitive intelligence can make a difference.

I help teams to imbibe these qualities using well known Agile Methodologies and specially designed and proprietary Cognitive Games


Image by Dylan Gillis

Cognitive Training

Whether you want to learn a Programming  Language, a Tech Stack, SQL & NoSQL Database, Cloud computing, data grid or in-memory computing, we've designed multiple programming games which not only allow you to learn fast but also help you to retain the knowledge for a very long time

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